Tuesday 30 October 2018

What is an e-resume? How to write it?

An electronic resume or e-resume (also called as scannable resume) is a document that is submitted with an employment application. It is written to be searched by a computer, it can be saved anywhere on the computer and can be sent over the internet says wisdom jobs career edge experts.
Writing an e-resume is a difficult task but it is very essential in today's computerized world while submitting online job applications finds wisdom jobs reviews career experts. Here are some tips that will be helpful in for writing resume:

Keywords:It is very important that you should include relevant keywords and all the skill sets that you are familiar with. Including relevant keywords will make your resume easily searchable because recruiters use some specific keywords while searching for candidates over the internet.

Soft copy: Hard copy is no longer in use and it will be difficult for you to reach out the recruiter with a hard copy of resume. Creating an e-resume is essential and it can be easily delivered to the recruiters in the form of email.

Make it short:Make your resume short, precise and clear. Limit your resume to 2 or 3 pages and see that you mention all your skills and achievements in brief.
Style:Make the resume attractive by using appropriate font size and style. Italic type, rule lines, bullets, centering, indents are other ways to style the resume. It is better to create a HTML or web based resume by highlighting your skills and achievements.

Formatting:Use proper font according to the length of the resume and don't make your resume too much crowded or leave too much white space. Maintain same font throughout the resume and also check for paragraph indentation says wisdom jobs complaints career edge experts. Make sure that look and feel of the resume format is good. Update your resume regularly and keep sending it to recruiters so that they can contact you whenever there is requirement.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

What is FPF account number?

The FPF account number refers to the account that pertains to the pension funds for the family of an employee as part of the provident funds scheme says wisdom jobs career edge experts. This scheme came into effect on 1st March 1971 and was initiated to provide pension funds to a family member of an employee on the event of his/her death during reckonable service says wisdom jobs reviews career experts. FPF is only processed if the employee dies during service or after the retirement period.

The FPF act of 1971 defines a family member as:
● Wife: In-case the FPF member is male.
● Husband: In-case the FPF member is female.
● Minor sons and unmarried daughters of the FPF member.

 Even if the individual has sons or daughters adopted legally before his / her death in service also comes into consideration.
The FPF account number is only available to employees who wish to and have availed the scheme. As per the wisdom jobs complaints career experts,the rate of family pension is as displayed in the table below:

Monday 8 October 2018

Most often-asked behavioral interview questions

Some interviewers ask most common questions and answers but some interviewers take unusual approach to interview questions says wisdom jobs gulf reviews career experts. Here are some most often asked behavioral interview questions suggested by wisdom jobs gulf complaints career experts. Prepare well for these questions with best answers in your own way.

● Tell me a little about yourself
● What are your biggest weaknesses?
● What are your biggest strengths?
● Where do you see yourself in five years?
● Out of all the other candidates, why should we hire you?
● How did you learn about the opening?
● Why do you want this job?
● What do you consider to be your biggest professional achievement?
● Tell me about the last time a co-worker or customer got angry with you. What happened?
● Describe your dream job
● Why do you want to leave your current job?
● What kind of work environment do you like best?
● Tell me about the toughest decision you had to make in the last six months
● What is your leadership style?
● Tell me about a time you disagreed with a decision. What did you do?
● Tell me how you think other people would describe you
● What can we expect from you in your first three months?
● What do you like to do outside of work?
● What was your salary in your last job?
● A snail is at the bottom of a 30-foot well. Each day he climbs up three feet, but at night he slips            back two feet. How many days will it take him to climb out of the well?
● What questions do you have for me?
● What do you expect me to accomplish in the first 90 days?
● If you were to rank them, what are the three traits your top performers have in common?
● What really drives results in this job?
● What are the company's highest-priority goals this year, and how would my role contribute?
● What percentage of employees was brought in by current employees?
● What do you plan to do if...?